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Janelle B.

by Princeton Orthopaedic Associates

Janelle B.

by Princeton Orthopaedic Associates

I have a rather extensive history with Dr. Abrams and his PA, Herb Williams. I have had 4 surgeries with them ranging in time from 2005 to 2014. I can honestly say I love these two men. They have been so kind and caring over all these years.

My first experience with Dr. Jeffrey Abrams was in November of 2005. I had a severe rotator cuff tear in my right shoulder which required surgery. My surgery took place at the end of December 2005. First, the nurses at the surgery center were terrific! My surgery required twice the time they had anticipated, but Dr. Abrams was very thorough in finding and repairing all the damage I had – a major tear to the subscapularis and supraspinatus as well as a total tear with retraction of the long head of the biceps tendon. All his work was done with minimal invasiveness (arthroscopically) which minimized scarring and disfiguration, not to mention, recovery time.

On surgery day, prior to my surgery, Dr. Abrams personally came around to me to chat about the surgery, and to generally see how I was doing and if I had any questions. He has a very kind and gentle way about him. I was sent home in a sling with a couple of prescriptions. A day or two after surgery, I was contacted by the surgery center to see how I was doing. All in all, just a great experience (as far as surgical procedures go).

Since my initial surgery, I have returned for 3 other surgeries with Dr. Abrams. Dr. Abrams went back into my right shoulder 9 months after the initial surgery to release scar tissue that was preventing movement. In 2009, Dr. Abrams performed a similar surgery on my left shoulder, and then in 2013, he went into my right shoulder again because I was complaining of pain. That time, he “cleaned up” my shoulder by removing old sutures, a bone spur, and some arthritis, and let me say this…my right shoulder feels the best it has in 14 years!

Although the waiting time is excessive for office visits, Dr. Abrams and Herb make me feel like a family member when I see them. They aren’t all business. They take the time to ask about my family and my overall well-being. They take the time for my concerns and questions, and never rush me through an office visit. I just love Dr. Abrams and Herb Williams. They are two very caring and compassionate professionals.

-Janelle B.
Yardley, PA

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