Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans are a vital diagnostic tool that uses radio waves and magnetic fields to create three-dimensional images of the body. MRIs are radiation-free and can be used to find injuries or abnormalities in the body.
MRIs are used for everything from surgical preparation to gauging damage from previous injuries or trauma.
Other diagnostic tools, such as x-rays or CT scans, use radiation to produce images of the inside of the body. MRIs are different. The MRI uses radio waves and magnetic fields to map the concentration of water in the body. The MRI can find the differences in water distribution to the various tissues in the body. This provides an image of any abnormalities, such as injuries, inflammation, tumors, or other anomalies.
There are two kinds of MRI scanners, the standard scanner, and the “open” scanner. In a traditional MRI scanner, a patient is placed in a tube and bombarded with radio and magnetic waves. For those who are claustrophobic, an open MRI is a better option. It does not enclose the patient in a tube, reducing their anxiety.
Princeton Orthopaedic Associates has MRI units at two of our locations, including one open MRI scanner.