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Princeton Orthopaedic Associates

Dr. Arik Mizrachi

Specializing in Diagnostics, Pain Management, & Rehabilitation

Dr. Arik Mizrachi

Specializing in Diagnostics, Pain Management, & Rehabilitation

"When you see patients that think they're never going to get better, and you fix them - it's incredible. Suddenly, people can live their lives how they want to. There's nothing more rewarding than that."
Dr. Mizrachi

Meet Dr. Mizrachi

Dr. Mizrachi was born in Israel and was raised on Long Island from the age of four. He attended Lawrence High School on Long Island and was in the top 10 percent of his class when graduating in 1997. Starting in high school, he had aspirations of becoming a physician.

Dr. Mizrachi received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology and Summa Cum Laude Honors from the State University of Albany in 2001. In his sophomore year of college, Dr. Mizrachi was accepted early into Albany Medical College and graduated with a medical degree in 2005. He completed his transitional year at Saint Barnabas Medical center and completed his residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Kessler Institute in 2009. In 2010, he completed an advanced fellowship in Pain Management from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, which involved training in non-surgical management of all pain disorders through medical management or injections.

Dr. Mizrachi has authored several scientific articles and presented them at national pain and physical medicine and rehabilitation conferences. Currently, he is a member of the New Jersey Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Mizrachi is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and board-certified in pain medicine and rehabilitation medicine.

Dr. Mizrachi is on staff at Princeton Medical Center, where he will perform rehabilitation medicine and orthopaedic consults. Dr. Mizrachi sees patients in offices in the following locations: Ewing, Monroe, and Princeton. Dr. Mizrachi's specialty areas include sports medicine, pain medicine, osteoarthritis, myofascial pain syndromes, and nerve disorders. He performs all joint/muscle/nerve injections throughout the body. He does diagnostic testing of common nerve disorders, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, with electromyography. In addition, he specializes in spinal injections to relieve head/neck/back/arm/leg pain when indicated.

Service Area
  • Musculoskeletal Medicine (Fellowship Trained)
  • Pain Management and Rehabilitation
  • Spinal Injections
  • EMG/NCS studies
  • Pain & Rehabilitation Medicine Board Certified
Contact Dr. Mizrachi

Dr. Mizrachi Biography

Experience & Consults
Awards & Certifications


  • Princeton Medical Center - Rehabilitation Medicine & Orthopaedic Consults


  • University of Pittsburgh Medical Center - Pain Management Advanced Fellowship
  • Kessler Institute - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency
  • Saint Barnabas Medical Center - Transitional Year
  • Albany Medical College - Medical Education
  • University of Albany - B.S. Biology


  • New Jersey Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


  • Board-certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Board-certified in Pain Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine

Getting Started With Princeton Orthopaedic Associates

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